Ramona Quimby Age 8
Read the Story Written by: Beverly Cleary Illustrated by: Tracy Dockray Genre: Humorous fiction Target Skill: Understanding Characters Target Strategy: Infer / Predict Essential Question: What clues in a story help you understand its characters? Big Idea: Facing a challenge helps us grow. Spelling Words and Phonics Activities for the Week Vowel +r sound as in nurse Spelling Cards nurse workshirt hurt first word serve curly dirt third worry turn stir firm *Review: girl, her *Challenge: perfect, hamburger cursive spelling practice Spelling and Vocabulary Games Vocabulary Strategy: Using a Thesaurus Vocabulary Cards anxiously degrees tense ingredients recommended remarked festive cross Grammar Verb Tenses Social Studies Connection Readers Theater Read Alouds Tia Luisa's Fruit Salad Guided Reading Books Kitchen Science Fifi's Bath Trouble with TripletsWaiting for Aunt Ro |